
History & Geography of Ladakh

History of Ladakh

The region of Ladakh once formed part of the erstwhile Kingdom of Ladakh and for nearly 900 years from the middle of the 10th century existed as an independent kingdom. After 1531, it was periodically attacked by the Muslims from Kashmir, until it was finally annexed to Kashmir in the mid 19th century. Ladakh is a mountainous region and the coldest desert in the world.

In Ladakh the nature has rendered a magical, unbelievable and fantastic landscape which is extremely breathtaking.

The barren beauty of Ladakh with snow capped-peaks and clean azure sky have attracted the intrepid traveler since the region was opened to tourists in the 1970s. Since then, Ladakh has become a favorite haunt for trekking and mountaineering enthusiasts.

Ladakh lies in the north-east region of India and is surrounded by the world’s highest mountain ranges, Karakoram and Great Himalayas. The Ladakh district occupied Kashmir in the west and China in the north. Ladakh is an exotic destination considered as the highest plateau lying at an altitude of 9, 799 ft. Ladakh is the 3rd province of Kashmir Valley. The population of Ladakh is about 2, 56,000 which contain a mixture of many different ethnic groups, predominantly Tibetans, Monpas, Dards and Muslims. In 1979, the Ladakh District was divided into Leh District (mostly occupied by Tibetan Buddhist) and Kargil District (mostly occupied by Shia Muslims).

The Ladakh is known for its extreme deserts, glaciers, blue waters, freezing winds and sand dunes.

Geography of Ladakh

Ladakh has an area of approx. 98,000 sq km., situated at an altitude of 2,400 to 4,400 meters with some of the passes at 6,100 and peaks up to 7,600 meter all around the region. The mountains of Ladakh do not seem to be very impressive, the reason being the city of Leh is situated already at an altitude of 3,400 m and the mountains appear only 2,999 mtr higher and they do not look any bigger than the Alps. The Ladaeh region is part mountain, part flat terrain and is quite arid. Ladakh is really a high altitude desert area and there is only little snow on the mountains and look like big brown hills. When you get into them they are dry and dusty, with clusters of willows and desert roses along the streams

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